Common issues

The bot doesn't join the voice channel when Player#connect is called

First check if the voice channel id is correct, then check if the voice channel is not full and if the bot has permission to connect to that voice channel, and check if the sendWS function passed on Vulkava constructor is correct, example:

client.vulkava = new Vulkava({
    sendWS: (guildId, payload) => {
        // With discord.js
        // With eris
        client.guilds.get(guildId)?.shard.sendWS(payload.op, payload.d);

The bot joins the voice channel, but does not play anything and the green circle around bot's avatar doesn't appear

Check if you have the `GUILD_VOICE_STATES` gateway intent and if you call Vulkava#handleVoiceUpdate on client's raw listener, example

// Discord.js
client.on('raw', (packet) => client.vulkava.handleVoiceUpdate(packet));
// Eris
client.on('rawWS', (packet) => client.vulkava.handleVoiceUpdate(packet));

Last updated